"As long as there is rice, there should be soup. The relationship between soup and rice is like that between water and a boat. When a boat is stranded on a sandy bank only water can wash it back to the river; rice goes down better with soup. I would go so far as to say that it would be better to go without all main dishes that to have no soup." So very well said and this is my version of the soup.
1 lb lean pork ribs
1 section of lotus root - peel and cut into slices
8-10 dried pitted red dates
1 cup raw peanuts - wash and drain
1 piece of dried squid - wash
6 cups water
Salt and pepper to taste.
Wash pork ribs and have enough of water to cover the ribs.
Bring to the boil for 5 minutes.
Remove from heat and pour away the water.
Wash the ribs with cold running water.
Put ribs back to pressure cooker and add 6 cups of water, sliced lotus root, drained raw peanuts, pitted red dates, washed dried squid and pressurise on high for 30 minutes.
Turn off heat and let the pressure go down before opening lid.
Remove lid and add salt and pepper to taste.
Serve hot.
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